Adventures of Peach

Monday, October 31, 2005

Boo! Boo! Guess who?

Boo! Boo! Guess who? This is "mutant pumpkin ninja alien kimono girl!!!".

What costume are you gonna wear?
Do you do "trick or treat"?
You've already grown up?

My dog, Cookie has mastered "trick or treat" yesterday, so he went to a party with his girl friend tonight.

My Halloween party was a wine party.
I really had a great French wine and wonderful time with my best friends.

Well, please tell me about your costume story!
I'm really interested in it!!!

Shall we say?....... "Happy Halloween!!!!!!"

Sunday, October 30, 2005

My Lovely Baby

....actually not "my" :D .
I went to my friend's house to see her baby.
She was sooooo cute and nice and sweet!!!!!
But she was a BABY. She sometimes got fussy and cried.
Baby: Waaaaaaaaah!!
Peach:Oh, what happened??? It's OK! It's OK! Don't worry! Don't cry!...Boo, boo!...Please smile again for me!
Baby: Waaaaaaaaah!!
Peach: *sigh*

I couldn't cope well with the problem.
...just kidding:D.
She sometimes looked uncomfortable, but she became in a good mood again very soon!

I remembered Krissy's electronic baby. I think she did well. She was perfect. She never shook the it right, Krissy? :D !

Have a lovely day:)

Saturday, October 29, 2005


I gradutated from my school today.
I'm feeling a little sad, because I really had a great time there....

Anyway, I got a new gadget.
I haven't started using it yet. I'm gonna use it to study Spanish conversation!!

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Mr. Yum Yum's favorite Japanese comedian "Gorie" went to California on business. I watched it on TV today.
She was so hilarious as always. She's VERY good at dancing, popular in Japan and looks like a gorilla :D! (but somehow she's cute).
You can see her photo at Los Angeles Airport.
She is the "Official California Tourism Ambassador" from Japan.
I'm not kidding...

I think you can also find her photo on Google. Just type in "gorie california".
Are you interested in her/him, no?

Have a good day.*pecori*

("Pecori" is Gorie's bowing sound :D *pecori*)

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

MSN messenger

I started studying Spanish over the internet. Some of my language-exchange partners asked me whether I could use "messenger".
"Messenger?????? It doesn't sound familiar.... WHat's that????"

So I asked my friend about it.
"I got it :D !!!! Thanks!!!!"
I rushed home and installed it immediately. I started using it even though I didn't really know how to use it. I came across my new L-E partner who is living in Spain.

"Hola!!!! Soy Peach!!! Como estas?"

We had a nice conversation for around 1 English ( Spanish is still difficult for me xD!!).

Bueno, ahora tengo mucho sueno*yawn*.
Sweet dreams!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2005


I finally completed putting a digital pet on my blog.
Please let me introduce him to you, amigos!!

Tadaaaa!!! Tachaaaan!!!( in spanish!!) Jajaaaan( in Japanese!)
He looks cute, doesn't he???
Please play with him.

Well, I have something to tell you. Please be careful, everyone.
He barks LOUDLY when you click on his mouth and on his favotie biscuit.

"yum yum" assignment

This morning, I received a new assignment from the States via email.

My new mission is "finding nice home-made ice cream and bagels in Ginza, Tokyo".
Yep, it's from my "super yum yum yum" friend. I'm not talking about my "yum, yum"cat :D. He is definitely a human being!
He's my good adviser who always inspires me and suggests some nice ideas about my new adventures.

"OK! Copy that!!" know? I like "24" and "Charlie's Angels"!!

"Hello angels!" :D
"Hello, Yum Yum!!" :):):)


It's TGIF!!!
I don't have to work tomorrow!!!!! I'm freeeeeee!!!!....I'd rather say I'm feeling free right now. I actually have an examination this Sunday, so I have to study tomorrow.

Oh, welcome to my site, Emma!! Nice to meet you!!
"Am I tired of writing Japanese??" NO, not at all!!! It's a piece of, no, I'd rather say it's my pleasure:)

It's for you! It's "Katakana + Hiragana" design.
Don't you think I'm getting better :D ????

You and Amber are good friends?? Oh, sounds nice!
Thanks, again.....for visiting and reading.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Special Order

There was another order today.
Ok, it's my pleasure to make your Japanese name plate.

Here you are, Krissy!!
I hope you'll like it:)

means *Krissy* written in Japanese "Katakana".

Oh, it's dinner time, I gotta go.
Have a wonderful day! and hasta manana, amigos! :)

Your Name in Japanese

It was the first time that I was asked to write something in Japanese.
Oh,o, oh! wow... I was a little surprised but I'm happy to know somebody is interested in Japan.

Here is your name, Amber. I wrote it in KATAKANA. We have 2 kinds of phonetic characters: HIRAGANA and KATAKANA. I chose KATAKANA for you. It looks much cuter than one written in HIRAGANA.
I hope you'll like it. If you like it, please take it to your home(right click and save it in your PC)...or if you don't like it, I'll erase it as soon as possible.

Stay cute:)

P.S. I made another one of the same design as your best friend, Emma. ('Cause I REALLY like hearing about "best friends' stories". Thanks! ) Oct 21, 10:02am

"Katakana + Hiragana" version.

P.S.2 It's for Lucy.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I still have a slight sore throat, but I've got over jet lag. I'm feeling much much better now. Today, I dropped by my favorite Starbucks after work. That is located in an amusement park. I can see a brilliant shining merry-go-round while I'm sipping coffee. It's so beautiful...
I wanted to order a "Pumpkin Spice Latte" which is Starbucks' seasonal drink right now. I enjoyed it in Canada and Chicago Airport. Hey, Pumpkin Drink!!! Please remind me of my happy time in Canada!!!

But I noticed the seasonal drink in Japan is "Caramel Mocha". There is no Pumpkin at all!! Why caramel???? It should be Pumpkin!! Halloween is coming soon also in Japan!!!

Does your favorite cafe have seasonal pumpkin drink right now?? Sure?? Of course?? Oh, I'm jealous!!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

"yum, yum" cat

I'm still suffering from slight jet lag. I was so sleepy, so I fell asleep this evening and then I woke up just before midnight...I can't sleep right now, ok I'll write today's blog.

One of my friends told me that maple syrup might be perfect for a scoop of cold vanilla ice cream.
Oh, sounds good!!
I poured it on Haagen-dazs "Macadamia Brittle" ( macadamia ice cream is my favorite one!!). Oh, it's terrific!!!....yum, yum, yum.

"yum, yum, yum?????" n?? sounds familiar to me. I think I've heard that before....
Oh, I remember!!! That reminded me of my cat in my hometown.
She said "yum,yum,yum" whenever she ate, especially when she was starving.
My mom and I thought she was saying, "uma, uma, uma!!!!(means yummy in Japanese)".
Oh!! She was speaking English!!??? She was bilingual??? She was talented???
I didn't know that!!

Ok, I have to go to bed even thought I can't fall asleep.
Good night:)

Friday, October 14, 2005

Love Letter from Canada~~~

I bought something for myself and sent it from Canada.
To tell you the truth, it's much nicer and much more expensive than syrup...
Can you guess???

It' my first "King Salmon".
I heard king salmons in Canada are much nicer than ones in *****(oh, I can't say that...).
When it arrived at my apartment, it was completely frozen. I thawed it a little and cut it in 3. And then, I froze it again. I can keep them and enjoy them three times....with my sister or friends or Mr. "super yum, yum, yum" or anybody.
Before I froze them, I tasetd a tiny piece of, it was so rich and oily!!! Is this really a fish?????

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Sweet Sweet Souvenirs

I bought some souvenirs from Canada!!! I hope you have a sweet tooth.

#1 Maple Herbal Tea( smells nice!)

#2 A nice bottle of maple syrup

#3 A bottle of maple syrup

#4 Maple Butter

#5 Maple Cookies

#6 A halloween mummy chocolate
by "Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory"

#7 Icewine Chocolates

Which one would you like?

Monday, October 10, 2005

I'm home!!

I crossed the International Date Line. It became Oct. 10 today instantItly.
It is raining and chilly in Tokyo.
I haven't watched TV and news about Japan for 5 days, so I'm enjoying TV shows and news alot right now.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Canada 6day

I left our hotel at 5:30 am. *yawn*

I had a really great trip this time.
Thanks and bye-bye to Canada!! XXX

Canada 5day

We arrived at Montreal in the Province of Quebec.
People speak French. This town seems like little Paris.

This cathedral is a symbol of this town. Celine Dion's wedding ceremony took place here.
It is a very popular wedding place, so if you want to have a wedding ceremony here, you should wait in a long line (for a few years!!). And you also have to invite more than 700 guests. But it costs just about ten thousand dollars (= a million yen). It's not that expensive, is it?

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Canada 4day

I went to Laurentians today.
The autumn foliage was terrific!
This is the most breathtaking landscape I've ever seen...

Friday, October 07, 2005

Canada 3day

We went to the Thousand Islands.
There were a lot of small islands in St.Lawrence River and we saw billionaire's cottages built on them.

This is the most famous building in the Thousand Islands.
It was built by a rich hotel owner. He planned to dedicate it to his beloved wife. But just before it was completed, she passed away. It's kind of sad.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Canada 2day

It was scorcher today. We looked around Niagara Falls.

Horseshoe Falls

American Falls

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Canada 1day

We have arrived at our hotel in Niagara Falls just before midnight. We were a little tired, but we went to see Niagara Falls lit up in red, bule and green. Around there, it was like drizzling because of the smoke of the waterfalls.
It is kind of chilly...A, A, .....Achoo!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


I'm leaving for Canada today. Passport ok! Camera ok! OREO ok!
As you know, currently airport security checks are very strict when you enter America. Even though we're only entering American airport to transit, we have to leave our suitcases unlocked. I can't believe that!!
Anyway, I'm going to take lots of photos and post some of them on my blog. So please look forward to seeing them and my new adventure stories.
Well, it's time to set off.
See you then, bye!

Sunday, October 02, 2005


I got a terrible cold last week. I had a sore throat and finally I lost my voice..
I went to see a doctor. As he looked at my throat, he shouted, "How awful!!!....You should take this medicine as soon as possible". He gave me antibiotics. I should have gone to the hospital earlier....
I was absent from work for two days (Thursday and Friday). I took some medicine and have slept for four days...
My voice has started coming back but sounds bad; it sounds like a frog's voice....